
Archive for October 10, 2011

Waterfalls, gorges and Cape Vultures in Botswana’s Tswapong Hills

October 10, 2011 4 comments

Botswana’s central district contains a number of tourist attractions, some of which are off the beaten track – or at least off the radar for the average Botswanan tourist who visits the country primarily for its abundant safari opportunities. One of the prettiest of these attractions is the Tswapong Hills.

The Tswapong Hills, as the name suggests, are not towering peaks. The highest point is around 400m, making hikes and walking trails accessible for anyone. It’s important to note, however, that much of the land in the hills is considered sacred by the locals and in many cases you will need permission from village chiefs before you venture forth.


The hills contain a couple of gorges complete with waterfalls and some ancient settlements.

Of particular interest is the Moremi Gorge.

Moremi Gorge is one of those places where you should ask permission from the leader of Moremi Village before setting out. You’ll also find guides at the village if you so require.

You’ll need good walking shoes to climb up to the point of the gorge but once there you’ll find that all the effort was worth it. There are three waterfalls in the gorge, all of which fall into large waterholes. The waterholes are surrounded by thick green vegetation, which lends to the magical atmosphere.

In addition to the waterfalls, Moremi Gorge is a protected conservation area for several breeding pairs of Cape Vultures.

Malaka Gorge is slightly less spectacular than Moremi Gorge and is accessible from Malaka Village. The single waterfall is not very high but the gurgle of bubbling water is very calming and tops off some boulder jumping and any exploratory walks in the nearby valley. Watch out for baboons.

Phothophotho Gorge is easily accessible for all visitors, as well as all animals that come for the steady supply of water. In addition to the thirsty domestic animals – cows and donkeys – you’ll see some rock dassies, baboons and a number of different birds, including Cape Vulture, Blackcollared Barbet and Redwinged Starling.

Tswapong Hills should definitely feature on your travel itinerary.


Gootau is also home to breeding Cape Vultures. In fact, the colony at Gootau is much larger than at Moremi Gorge. As a result, it’s essential to get permission from the chief of Gootau before venturing into the site.

All in all the Tswapong Hills should definitely feature on your travel itinerary.